Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Do Ghosts Exist? with Linda Alice Dewey

According to Aaron's Crossing author Linda Alice Dewey, they do, and the transition from death to the other side is not as simple as we might've been taught. When walking through an abandoned cemetery in 1991 Linda encountered the ghost of a man who spoke to her, and then followed her home. Struggling to make sense of his life's sorrows and pains, Linda worked to show him toward his true goal of reaching the
light of the other side of the earthly realm. A fascinating account of where souls go when we die, and the occasional confusions encountered by those not aware of their passing.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Angels, Helpers and Spirit Guides

Angels, Helpers and Spirit Guides
with Richard Sutphen
Is it true we have protectors on the other side? Who are they? What differentiates angels from spirit guides from those we've loved and lost? Are there spirits here to help us, and if so, how do we connect? Richard Sutphen, one of the nation's top psychic researchers shares his findings and discusses the role of spirit guides and how to listen for their direction.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Islam for the Western Mind

With more than a billion Muslims practicing one of the world's fastest growing religions, why are Western portrayals of the Islamic mind so often flawed? An intensive look at the commonalities and core teachings of Islam from a Christian perspective. Dr. Richard Henry Drummond,(ordained Presbyterian minister and retired professor of comparative religions) discusses the prophet Muhammed and the teachings of the Koran.