Saturday, January 31, 2009

Creativity as Your Spiritual Outlet, with Julia Cameron

Whether artist by calling or accountant by trade, there is a voice inside each of us that longs to be heard. Author, writer and creative counselor Julia Cameron addresses the necessity of unblocking your creativity, to find what it is that longs to express itself through you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shifting Economies/Shifting Careers: Finding the Work You Love vs. Finding Work (period)

In economic downturns, does it really make sense to hold out for the work you love? When fearful about your next paycheck, do you hold out or sell out? It needn't be an either/or according to career coach, Dan Miller (author of "48 Days to the Work You Love"). Transitions bring opportunities, but first, you must ask yourself, "What is it I long to do?"

Thursday, January 15, 2009

From Ego to Eco: Addressing Our Longing for Meaning with Bill Plotkin, PhD and author

As industrial civilization gives way to materialism, narcissism and cynicism, what happens to the soul? Bill Plotkin, PhD and author of Nature and the Human Soul, says the human life model is our blueprint for a society still in its adolescence. How we evolve into full maturity as a civilization will involve a shift from an egocentric, to an ecocentric, soul based perspective.