Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Belief Works with Ray Dodd

"The line between "the way it is" and what could be is often no more than a belief," according to Ray Dodd, author of Belief Works and The Power of Belief. The key lies in recognizing our beliefs and separating them from who we truly are. The power to change is within our grasp. A conversation with a man who can show you how...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Afterlife Encounters

Research suggests at least 11% of the population experience afterlife encounters (AE), though a recent five year, international study indicates that number is growing. Dianne Arcangel, former hospice chaplain, author and director of the Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Center in Houston discusses her work with those who have heard from deceased loved ones , and offers impressive research to suggest that consciousness does survive the death process.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The End of Suffering

While suffering is an accepted part of life, certain spiritual Masters have taught ways of transcending it. In his latest work, physicist and author Russell Targ blends Buddhist teachings with quantum physics to distinguish the difference between our stories (i.e. who we think we are) and our souls (who we really are), suggesting that surrender of the former, can put an end to suffering.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Entangled Minds

Dean Radin, PhD and Laboratory director at the institute of Noetic Sciences discusses the nature of Entanglement, that "spooky action" as Einstein put it, that underlies mysteries like telepathy, clairvoyance and psychic hunches. Radin reveals how intuition and other unexplainable telepathic experiences are becoming the testing grounds for 21st century research, and he sets the stage for a rational understanding of physic experiences.