Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Angels, Helpers and Spirit Guides

Angels, Helpers and Spirit Guides
with Richard Sutphen
Is it true we have protectors on the other side? Who are they? What differentiates angels from spirit guides from those we've loved and lost? Are there spirits here to help us, and if so, how do we connect? Richard Sutphen, one of the nation's top psychic researchers shares his findings and discusses the role of spirit guides and how to listen for their direction.


Blogger SMurphy said...

Dear Karlen,
In this podcast you asked Richard: “Are they [spirit guides] aware of our prayers? Do they intercede on our behalf?”

Many religions talk about the omnipresence of God. Modern philosophy talks about the goal of life for our soul to become at one with The One. Both of these views are really squishy views of God as The Creator and our Father. If you look at Angels (unfallen, pure souls) and spirit guides (returning souls) as doing the Will of God, it is then easy to see how God can be in effect omnipresent, while still being a unique being. With legions of Angels at one with Him and all the guardian spirits; He can insure His Will is done!

Our greatest gift is the gift of Free Will. That is why we are here, so far away from where we were created. We must choose to follow His Will, and when we do this, His Angels will intercede on our behalf. When we choose not to do His Will, then there are plenty of lost souls (those who have not chosen the path back to God) and dark souls (who are still loyal servants of Lucifer) ready to come to our sides.

This brings us the weegee board problem that you bring up. It is God’s Will that we freely live our lives in the way Jesus showed us to. People who do this do not really need to talk their Guardian Angel, because they already know in the heart of hearts what they need to do in this life. Skeptics and non-believers will only be able to “talk” to spirits at their own level or on their same wavelength. What value does anyone gain from talking to someone who does not really know he/she is dead, and does not know how to get to the light?

The difficulty in our lives is to fine the true spiritual teachers, because the highest spiritual teachings are truly precious (See Matthew 7:6) When you look back into history, as I have done with critical eyes, you will find that all the true spiritual teachers have been brutally killed and defamed. Look at the fate of all the Prophets of Israel including Jesus. Look at Socrates, Origen of Alexandria, Joan of Arc, and Galileo. What these all have in common is they had something to say that our materialistic, power hungry world did not want to hear and did not want the masses to learn.

Best regards, Shawn

10:13 AM  

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