The Other Side of Death
The Other Side of Death
with Scott Degenhardt
Scott Degenhardt, author of Surviving Death, examines what happens when we die. From his own father's passing (and simultaneous appearance) and other case studies involving NDEs, out of body experiences and mind to mind communication with deceased loved ones, Degenhardt reiterates that spirit and thought are the reality; matter and body are the by product...not the other way around.
with Scott Degenhardt
Scott Degenhardt, author of Surviving Death, examines what happens when we die. From his own father's passing (and simultaneous appearance) and other case studies involving NDEs, out of body experiences and mind to mind communication with deceased loved ones, Degenhardt reiterates that spirit and thought are the reality; matter and body are the by product...not the other way around.
Dear Teddy and Karlen,
I am very happy with the content of your recent podcasts, especially Scott Degenhardt. It looks he is doing great work, carrying on from Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s work.
It would be nice if you could do a podcast with Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia about his work on reincarnation. I would be sure that many of your listeners would be fascinated by his on-going work. I would specifically be interested in hearing from him about the spiritual aspects of his work; going beyond the forensic studies, and support the work done by Scott Degenhardt.
I have a good friend in Brazil who fits into his case history. She has a dreadful fear of guns, a birthmark in the middle of her chest 1 cm in diameter and suffered the majority of her life with a spinal pain behind her heart.
I am not looking to document the case of reincarnation, but I would like to address the spiritual sickness that she brought into this life as a result of her past life. The spiritual body was injured in the last life, and when she was born it had not yet healed. This spiritual injury affected the development of the skin at the entry wound, but this was minor compared to the damage done to the spiritual body where the bullet was lodged into the spine. Modern medicine cannot detect this type of spiritual injury, and many other similar ones.
My friend was cured of this spiritual illness through the use of the alternative medical practice of eutony a few years ago, after wasting so much time with standard medical examinations and treatments. Modern, materialistic medicine does not acknowledge these spiritual illnesses, and Dr. Stevenson’s work should help some practitioners to look beyond the physical/chemical level of metal illness to the root cause of it: the spiritual sickness.
I am a little perplexed at the name of your site though. The ancient Greeks taught us to “study creation in order to get to know its Creator”. Socrates, the father of logic and reason spoke as much about the spiritual world as he did the physical, if not more. I would venture to say that he would not place any of your topics as “beyond reason”; but then our modern, materialistic society is no where as holistic as Socrates taught us to be…
Best wishes, Shawn
Ps. Karlen you asked about how a lost spirit (ghost) can continue his/her addiction in the podcast. I would like to give a very good book to show you the great danger of these types of spiritual addicts. It is called “A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands” by Franchezzo ISBN 1411687183, and you will see how these lost spirits use the bodies of the weak-in-spirit to relive their addictions.
Another good reference is Dr. Carl Wickland’s book “Thirty Years Among the Dead” which is available on-line at
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