Do Ghosts Exist? with Linda Alice Dewey
According to Aaron's Crossing author Linda Alice Dewey, they do, and the transition from death to the other side is not as simple as we might've been taught. When walking through an abandoned cemetery in 1991 Linda encountered the ghost of a man who spoke to her, and then followed her home. Struggling to make sense of his life's sorrows and pains, Linda worked to show him toward his true goal of reaching the
light of the other side of the earthly realm. A fascinating account of where souls go when we die, and the occasional confusions encountered by those not aware of their passing.
light of the other side of the earthly realm. A fascinating account of where souls go when we die, and the occasional confusions encountered by those not aware of their passing.
Dear Teddy,
It was nice to hear that you are looking to go with out the layover in Atlanta! The early Christians knew how to make this non-stop flight. You may be interested to read the paper that I wrote about Origen of Alexandria and his theory of the “Restoration of All Things” called "Origen: Heretic or Prophet". So much horror was brought to the world in the name of Christianity by worldly leaders that it is hard to look back through this to the true roots of Christian teaching.
Linda Alice Dewy has a beautiful heart and some great insight; and if you look back to the greatest Christian teacher you will find confirmation of her insight and a great wealth of information about ghosts (the lost souls), spirits (returning souls) and Angels (pure souls that never fell). Origen taught that each of us is on our own road to complete restoration and union with God (and His Will). Some of us have just started this path and do not really know where we are going. It is these souls (who have not recognized His Will) that remain lost after they die. Those have been here many times (and see the purpose of their life and suffering) are ready for their death and for their further development in the spiritual world. They do remember the place they came from and cannot wait to get back to it! They also have many from the higher heavens waiting to greet them.
It was truly Good New (Gospel) that Jesus brought to humanity; opening the Gates of Heaven and allowing all of us (the Fallen Souls) to finally start going Home; even eventually the king of this world: Lucifer!
Best regards, Shawn
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