Unlocking Your Psychic Abilities with Echo Bodine
Is everybody psychic? Are there things you can do to enhance your potential? Renowned psychic, healer and spiritual teacher Echo Bodine (author of The Key) offers practical guidelines for enhancing intuitive abilities, while discussing the role of clairvoyance, clairaudience and other forms of mental telepathy. A candid q & a that touches on everything from Biblical prophecy to the role of antidepressants on intuition.
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Dear Teddy,
Yes, the bible is a very good handbook for someone developing their psychic ability. It gives many examples of what is possible, and more importantly, warns of the potential risks. He most important warning comes in 1 John 4: “Test the spirits”.
The thing that Echo did not make clear is the broad range of abilities that get labeled today as psychic. She mixes the idea of reading thoughts and prophecy, which is dangerous. It is important to know that this gift allows the user access to spiritual energy and spiritual beings; both positive and negative. Using the music analogy further, everyone may have the potential to play music, but few can play J.S. Bach as he wrote it and even fewer can compose music as beautiful as he wrote.
Keeping with this analogy, we find that the true musical masters are not just gifted, but their whole person is aligned with the Divine. At the end of each piece Bach wrote, he dedicated it to “The Honor of God”. Psychics or mediums can only access the spectrum of spiritual energy which is in tune with them (mind, body, and soul). Moses told the Israelites to cleanse themselves before approaching the mountain and not to attempt to climb the mountain in order to protect them from the intensity of God’s Light. Only Moses and his medium Joshua were pure enough in heart (soul) to be this close to God; all the others would have been killed by the intensity of His Light. There are few examples of people with this precious gift, but many more who have used their gift for material gain, such as the great oracles of the past , including Delphi.
As you know we all have seven chakras. Each one of these has its own frequency, from low (red, base chakra) to high (violet, crown chakra). Attached to each one of the chakras are the seven layers of our spiritual body. When a clairvoyant looks at the spiritual body of someone, rarely can they see all seven, but rather they are able to see the one in-tine with their own frequency. Being able to see the life energy associated with the base chakra can help in healing, but this does not mean the clairvoyant can see the higher frequency bodies or the higher frequency beings (Angels, Elves, and Fairies). These laws govern all spiritual communication, (I.e. a clairaudient can only hear within their own personal bandwidth.)
Teddy, you asked a very good question: “What should a psychic do who is in a situation where they are not appreciated or understood?” I know many of people in this category also and the most successful ones do nothing at all; they just are. If a psychic has aligned their mind, body, and soul with the Divine, their greatest work is just to be, not to do: to just let His Love and Light flow through them to their friends, family and clients. I have a good friend who has a very materialist husband and rejects all her beliefs and her gifts, but she is never alone! Besides communicating with the Divine Spiritual World she talks directly to her husband’s soul/heart and does not bother to talk to his ego or mind. His soul is very grateful for this, even though his mind cannot accept it. It is not our job to change people or know why they are as they are; but rather to allow the option to change through their Free Will and to show them another way…
Best wishes, Shawn
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