Friday, August 29, 2008

The Faith of Barack Obama with Stephen Mansfield

On the heels of the pageantry and emotional fervor of this week's Democratic National Convention, what lies at the core of Barack Obama? From the religious influences of his childhood, to his controversial relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, what do we truly know about the faith of one contending to be the leader of the free world, and how much does it matter to the American public?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

UFO Sightings and Media Reporting with Captain Kevin Randle

UFO stories...on the increase or just good ratings? UFO stories are coming mainstream; no longer relegated to the tabloids. Sightings from Chicago O'Hare to Stevensville, Texas have captured our attention, leaving network producers to ask, "What's going on here?" Captain Kevin Randle, former fighter pilot, Intelligence officer for the US Army and one of the nation's more respected authorities on the subject, joins us for the latest on UFOs in the news.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mindful Living as a Way of Life w/ Skip Ewing

Artist, poet and hit songwriter Skip Ewing, talks openly about his own spiritual journey and applying the teachings of the Buddha. Discussing meditation, self awareness, and the practice of mindful living, Skip's training under the master teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, makes his journey far from traditional. The key according to Skip... being fully present.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Soulmate or Cellmate w/ Jackie Woods

Do soulmates exist? If so, why are they so hard to find, and if discovered, so hard to maintain? Relationship expert Jackie Woods says we must start with the definition of soulmate...If you've been looking for your "missing half" you might want to reconsider. A uniquely spiritual take on the subject of relationships.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Mayan Predictions and the Year 2012 with William Henry

What became of the Mayan civilization? This question has puzzled anthropologists for decades. While scholars research the instantaneous disappearance of a culture, futurists ponder their calendar that ends with the year 2012. Author and lecturer William Henry discusses Mayan hieroglyphics: the symbols and their meaning. End of the world? Or other worldly breakthrough soon to play its hand? Beyond Reason at its beyond reason best~